Transformational life skills

Change fixes the past

Transformation creates the future

Transformational life skills It’s not about fixing what’s broken or learning to manage everyday life better, it’s about freeing yourself from the shackles of the past and creating the future of your dreams. Most people think of life skills as money management, time management, daily living skills, and the abilities needed to get and keep a job. All of these things matter. However, it is not transformative. They are the basic skills for managing daily life. Transformative life skills apply every day in every way and take you into a future you only imagined was possible. It requires a systems level change in your thinking and beliefs. Transformational life skills change who you are, what you believe and how you act. Developing them will give you the skills you need to manage your life with less effort. They literally change your life.

Transformational life skills help you create a whole new person.

Two types of change

Change is the process of recognizing the present and working to make things better, faster, cheaper, easier, etc. In a typical change process, your past is the starting line, and you design the actions you take so that you experience an improved outcome in the future. You create your own superior to increase revenue, reduce errors, improve the way you do work or hone skills. You get better at managing your life, time, and/or money. You increase your skills for a job and the skills needed for daily living such as cooking, cleaning and laundry. Your past and the stories you tell yourself about who you act to set limits and limits on the possibilities of what and who you become. I was a Caterpillar and am still just a Caterpillar that works more efficiently.

On the other hand, transformative change requires a new form and structure. It focuses on the future rather than the past. Transformational change is limitless – there are no limitations on the possibilities of who and what you can become or achieve. While servers your current state as a starting point, you are free to envision the future and appear as a whole new you. You are completely changed. You become the person you always wanted to be. You leave the caterpillar and cocoon behind, and you take off like a butterfly.

Why transformative change

The transformative nature of change is the biggest motivator for converting to a transformational change paradigm. Today’s rapidly changing world requires profound sustainable transformations and the ability to be flexible and adaptive. As forces come from all directions—technological advances, outsourcing, addiction, mergers, acquisitions, restructurings, divorce, financial hardship, aging, downsizing, expansion, global competition, and Internet-based systems—your ability to change your actions while staying true to your core values ​​is essential. Combined with flexibility and adaptability, integrity and flexibility give you an edge in an ever-changing environment. Integrity is the quality of owning and unswervingly sticking to your personal principles and standards. Resilience is your ability to recover quickly during difficult or adverse times. These two qualities give you an advantage in managing multiple changes and successfully navigating the transition process.

What beliefs guide the roles you play – as a partner, parent/mother, leader, manager or role model? What does integrity look like in your personal and professional life? How do you deal with errors, whether individual or institutional? What is your personal position (for your company) on bonuses/incentives and penalties? You need to identify and stick to these core values ​​to prepare for your transformation.

The defining characteristic of a transformative individual or organization is mental flexibility. Individuals and organizations who are mentally flexible are able to switch to and from different types of thinking depending on the needs of the situation.

Transformational change can seem complex and challenging; But once you truly understand human behavior, you realize that transformative change can be immediate. Just as the flight of a caterpillar is impossible, through the process of metamorphosis, the butterfly can fly instantly. Letting go, visualization, mindfulness and healthy self-evaluation are the four transformative life skills that will help you develop the inner assets needed to manage today’s complex world.

* Find articles on each of the four life skills in the upcoming articles.

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