Children learn important life skills through encouragement

It’s funny, when the topic of encouragement randomly pops up in a conversation, how many people actually have strong opinions about it. These opinions can be either very positive or very negative, and are often related to a person’s own experiences in high school or college, but encouragement is rarely discussed objectively as an important resource it can be for helping children learn some really important life skills; Skills that will help them achieve success in many areas of their next life. Consider the importance of acquired life skills and personality traits such as:


Cheerleading forces children to display confidence in their talents and abilities, as they perform stunts and routines in front of sometimes very large crowds of people. The cheerleading exam process requires accuracy and self-confidence on an individual level. The confidence gained through encouragement can serve children well in their future endeavors.


There are few instances in a youngster’s life that require the kind of confidence in a team-mate that some aspect of encouragement does. When your teammates throw you up in the air, you have to put all your faith in their ability to catch you, and the fans practice that on a regular basis.

Team spirit

These are among the most important skills and attitudes that can be developed with encouragement. Team members are required to work together at all times to ensure the success of the team as a whole. Building this ability to work as an integral part of a team is vital to future success in almost every area of ​​life.

The particular type of team spirit required by cheerleading leadership also fosters the ability to empathize to help others improve and gain confidence in their talents.


The position of captain on the cheerleading squad clearly nurtures leadership skills, as this person is primarily responsible for encouraging cooperation and commitment to the team as a unit. But each member of the cheerleading squad is constantly learning leadership skills as a natural way of life, as they lead hundreds—sometimes thousands—of fans together in a common goal.


Fans are responsible for maintaining an optimistic and supportive attitude, not only among themselves, but also throughout the cheering crowd, even when the team they are cheering for is not doing well. This provides a base for children to learn the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and offering encouragement in all of life’s unexpected situations.


In order to be good at anything, you must practice this skill – sometimes over and over again. Some of the skills learned in cheerleading—particularly the physical aspects—require very disciplined and constant practice to master. This teaches children the importance of design and provides a sense of accomplishment when mastering the skill.

There has been some debate as to whether cheerleading is even considered a sport. They certainly do, as they can be physically demanding and require a great deal of athletic ability. Cheerleading also teaches children valuable skills and attitudes that can serve them well for years to come.

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